John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso, Lummis Vote to Overturn Biden’s Illegal Emissions Mandate on State DOTs

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis (both R-Wyo.) joined their colleagues in voting for a Congressional Review Act joint resolution of disapproval to overturn the Biden administration’s illegal emissions performance measure imposed on state departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs).

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued the rule mandating DOTs and MPOs to set declining emission targets. This rule unfairly targets drivers in rural states that rely on highways and interstates, like Wyoming. The mandate limits consumer choice and forces Americans into Biden’s radical climate agenda.

The joint resolution of disapproval passed the Senate 53 to 47.

“The Biden administration will stop at nothing to force American drivers into expensive electrical vehicles they don’t want and can’t afford. Once again, the Biden administration is unfairly targeting rural America. In Wyoming and across the West, we drive larger vehicles longer distances compared to other states,” said Barrasso. “Imposing another one-size-fits-all Washington mandate takes away the flexibility rural states need. I was proud to join my Republican colleagues in voting to overturn this federal overreach and give Americans the freedom to choose the car or truck that meets their needs.”

“For far too long, this administration has unfairly forced its one-size-fits-all emissions standards on the people of Wyoming with no regard for the impact they have on our western way of life,” said Lummis. “Wyoming and the west cannot become collateral damage for an administration determined to kneecap American industry and erode consumer choice all for the sake of scoring points with climate extremists.”

Wyoming joined a group of 21 states in suing the Biden administration over this highway emissions rule in December of 2023.

“We appreciate the efforts of our delegation to ensure that this Rule would not impose burdens upon Wyoming by forcing WYDOT to shift attention and resources to assessing metrics required by the Rule at the expense of the rest of the State’s needs.” – Darin Westby, Director of the Wyoming Department of Transportation