WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) released the following statement in response to the Administration’s decision to once again delay its own mandates that require insurance policies to meet minimum coverage standards:
“The Obama Administration is trying to apply another political Band-Aid over the incurable injury of Obamacare. The fact is that President Obama understands that his party won’t stay in power if millions of more Americans have their insurance cancelled because of his failing health care law. Like all the delays before it, this new lawless maneuver is intended to ultimately help politicians – not patients. As soon as the next election is over, the American people will find that they can’t keep their coverage, they can’t keep their doctor, and they can’t afford their new premiums. Instead of scrambling to fix a law that continues to fail the American people, we need to repeal this law and start over on patient centered reform.”