Bill closes dangerous loophole by requiring verification of legal status
“It seems pretty simple to me,” Barrasso said. “We won’t truly be serious about securing our borders and stopping illegal immigration until we stop the practice of issuing driver’s licenses to the very individuals who are breaking our laws.”
Barrasso today introduced legislation that would discourage those few states that currently issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants by withholding 10 percent of federal highways funds.
The bill essentially closes a dangerous loophole and sends a tough message to those states that want to give illegal immigrants the ability to apply for and receive a driver’s license despite the fact they are in the country illegally, Barrasso said.
“Securing our borders is a chief responsibility of the federal government along with protecting the homeland,” Barrasso said. “I think it is time we stopped the practice of issuing official licenses to illegal immigrants.”
Under Barrasso’s bill, states must verify that each driver’s license applicant is here legally. The bill, S. 2334, would redistribute the withheld funds to states that follow the law.
While the federal government has imposed sanctions on states in the past for not implementing federal policies on the drinking age, seat belts, speed limits (repealed), and open containers, these issues were not a matter of national security.
“More importantly though we are closing a loophole in the law that allows law breakers to gain a level of legal identification when none is deserved,” Barrasso said.
In 1998,
– Legal Presence:
– Visa Expiration:
– Biometric Data:
– Verification of Social Security Number: