John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Opening Statement at NRC Nomination Hearing

Click here to watch Sen. Barrasso’s remarks.

WASHINGTON, DC –Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee for Clean Air and Nuclear Safety, delivered the following opening statement at today’s Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Hearing on the nomination of Allison Macfarlane and re-nomination of Kristine L. Svinicki to be Members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

Excerpts of Senator Barrasso’s Opening Statement:

“I would first like to also welcome our two distinguished nominees who are here with us today. Congratulations to you both on your nominations.

“Madame Chairman, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has gone through a very dark period recently.

“The Commission has experienced a crisis of leadership at the top of the agency.

“Incidents of harassment of staff, outbursts of rage, and withholding of information from fellow commissioners by Chairman Jaczko, it has hurt the agency’s image.

“Throughout it all, the other four NRC Commissioners, and the staff, have persevered as they always have, ensuring that the mission of the agency, nuclear safety, is not compromised.

“Today we should be pleased to have this opportunity to work towards strengthening the leadership of this agency by ensuring the agency has a full complement of commissioners.

“I believe that Commissioner Svinicki is eminently qualified to continue her distinguished career on the Commission.

“She has shown leadership and expertise that has earned her the praise of her fellow commissioners, both Democrat and Republican.

“Despite delays in getting her re-nominated by this Administration, I and many of my colleagues on this committee will work to ensure that she is swiftly confirmed.

“With regard to Dr. Macfarland, who has yet to serve on the Commission, I believe that we do need to look at what are the qualifications that we seek in a nominee to serve out the rest of Chairman Jaczko’s term.

“She has a long career, distinguished career in academia and has served on the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future.

“It is our job as the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to explore her positions on what she sees as the future of nuclear power.

“That is, what are her views are on uranium production, which is very important to my home State of Wyoming where uranium is in abundance.

“We need to explore her views on nuclear power plant permitting, and the long term storage of nuclear waste.

“If we are to have a true all out, all of the above energy strategy that the President has talked about, we must continue with building new plants, and developing a long term place to store nuclear waste.

“These all are essential to the future of nuclear power in America.

“As I have stated, there has been a crisis of leadership at the top of the Commission.

“We need to find a leader of the Commission who doesn’t try and run the Commission with a ‘top down, command and control’ approach.

“Someone who is not afraid to reach out and utilize the years of technical expertise that the other distinguished commissioners offer.

“Someone who has a demonstrated record as a successful manager, knows how to take a large complex organization with different personalities and backgrounds, and get it working towards a common goal without compromising ethics.

“At a time when there is a void of leadership at the very top of the NRC, we need the best most qualified person that we can find.

“When it comes to the issue of nuclear safety, and America’s energy future, the public expects no less.

“We have great challenges ahead of us in the next few years to secure America’s energy future.

“With the need to address America’s demand for clean, safe, domestic affordable energy, we need to work together to strengthen the Commission.

“As Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety, I pledge to work with my colleagues to accomplish this goal.”
