John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: President’s “Say One Thing, Do Another” Policy Won’t Ease the Pain at the Pump

Fact Checks Obama’s Rhetoric Versus Energy Record

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) released the following statement regarding President’s Obama’s remarks on gas prices:

“For over two years, Americans have heard President Obama deliver speeches and promises about his strong support for increased oil and gas exploration.  Meanwhile, his Administration has shut down energy projects across our country.  That’s not a political sound bite, that’s reality.  His Administration has canceled leases in Utah, shut down drilling in the Gulf, delayed drilling in Alaska, and rolled out more red tape throughout the West.  

“When gas prices were lower, perhaps the President could get away with his say one thing, do another energy policy. But now that Americans are paying higher prices at the pump, they are taking a closer look at his actions.  It’s clear that over two years into his Administration, the President still doesn’t have a plan that will help lower gas prices. 

“America needs a comprehensive energy plan that develops red, white, and blue energy as well as green energy.  I will continue to work in the Senate for an all of the above energy policy.” 

Setting the Record Straight
President Obama’s Rhetoric:

o “First, we need to continue to boost domestic production of oil and gas.”
o “Any notion that my administration has shut down oil production might make for a good political sound bite but it doesn’t match up with reality. We are encouraging offshore exploration and production.”  (March 11, 2011)

President Obama’s Energy Record:

o “Salazar Voids Drilling Leases on Public Lands in Utah” (Washington Post, 2/5/09)
o “BLM Suspends Some Oil and Gas Lease Sales to Review Warming Impacts” (New York Times, 4/9/10)
o “Obama Re-Bans Atlantic Seaboard Oil Drilling” (CBS News, 12/2/10)
o “EPA Board Stops Shell’s Arctic Clean Air Permits” (Associated Press, 1/04/11)
o “U.S. Interior Department Needs to Move on Drilling Permits” (Times Picayune Editorial, 3/4/11)

President Obama’s Rhetoric:

o “Last year, American oil production reached its highest level since 2003. Let me repeat that our oil production reached its highest level in seven years. Oil production from federal waters in the gulf of Mexico reached an all-time high.”(March 11, 2011)

President Obama’s Energy Record:

o Previous Administrations’ policies led to the recent increase in oil production.  As the U.S. Energy Information Administration chart confirms, oil production in the Gulf of Mexico is expected to decrease sharply because of the Obama Administration’s policies.

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