John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Presses Energy Secretary on Uranium, RFS and Carbon Capture Technology

Presses Sec. Brouillette on relief for uranium producers, the Nuclear Fuel Working Group, granting small refineries hardship relief from RFS, and carbon capture technology.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) questioned Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Dan Brouillette. Barrasso pressed Brouillette to provide immediate relief for uranium producers and release the overdue Nuclear Fuel Working Group report.

He also pushed the secretary on carbon capture technology and called for DOE to expand hardship relief under the Renewable Fuel Standard for Wyoming’s small refineries.

Brouillette testified at today’s Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on President Trump’s budget request for the Department of Energy for Fiscal Year 2021.

On Uranium and Nuclear Fuel Working Group

“Last July, President Trump acknowledged that relying on foreign imports of uranium poses a security threat to our nation.

“He established the Nuclear Fuel Working Group to recommend actions to revitalize the nuclear fuel supply chain.

“The report was originally scheduled to be released on October 12th of last year. Now here we are, and it’s March, and it is has not yet been completed, or at least we haven’t seen it.

“Mr. Secretary, America’s uranium producers are facing dire financial situations. Immediate relief is required.

“Making funding available now is required to save the uranium mines.

“The uranium miners in my home state of Wyoming were encouraged by the president’s budget request seeking $150 million to create a uranium reserve, but that’s going to take some time.

“When will the Nuclear Fuel Working Group’s report be finished and released, the one that the assignment was due last October?

“Are you prepared to provide immediate relief for the uranium producers of America?”

Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso pressing Sec. Brouillette on uranium and Nuclear Fuel Working Group.

On RFS Hardship Relief for Small Refineries

“In late January, a federal appeals court severely restricted the eligibility of small refineries from the standpoint of hardship relief under the Renewable Fuel Standard.

“If allowed to stand and applied nationally, the ruling will put dozens of small refineries and tens of thousands of jobs at risk.

“In my home state of Wyoming, we have five small refineries, which employ thousands of men and women.

“News reports have indicated EPA may decide not to appeal this ruling and, instead, apply the whole thing nationally. I think it would be disastrous.

“I think about a dozen of us senators have called on President Trump to appeal the ruling.

“Have you explained to the White House what it would mean if all these small refineries are no longer eligible for this hardship relief?”

Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso pressing Sec. Brouillette on RFS and hardship relief for small refineries

On Carbon Capture Technology

“I’d like to now focus and turn your attention to carbon capture, utilization and sequestration.

“Wyoming sees a real opportunity, not only to reduce carbon emissions, but to put those emissions to good use, whether it’s to enhance oil recovery operations, or in the development of coal-derived carbon products.

“Can you explain how the Office of Fossil Energy is advancing these capture and utilization technologies?”

Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Sec. Brouillette on carbon capture technology.
