John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Questions U.S. Trade Rep Nominee on Soda Ash, American Energy Exports and Beef

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) questioned Katherine Tai, President Biden’s nominee to be the next United States Trade Representative. Tai testified before the Senate Committee on Finance.

Barrasso secured commitments from Tai that if confirmed, she will work to promote Wyoming’s soda ash producers, American energy exports and protect America’s farmers and ranchers.

On U.S. Soda Ash:

“As we discussed, one of the issues that’s so critically important to my home state of Wyoming is soda ash.

“Our ‘natural soda ash’ is refined from a mineral called trona.

“The Green River Basin in Wyoming has the world’s largest trona deposit.

“Soda ash is a key manufacturing component for glass, detergents, soaps, and chemicals.

“U.S. natural soda ash sets the standard for quality, for purity, and energy efficiency in production.

“Like many U.S. industries, soda ash faces significant trade barriers around the world.

“As part of your effort to promote U.S. industries in international markets, will you commit to advocate for eliminating trade barriers for soda ash and other important U.S. industries in the international marketplace?”

Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Tai on soda ash.

On U.S. Energy Exports:

“In 2019, the United States became a net energy exporter for the first time since 1952.

“U.S. energy independence, I believe, is critically important for our national security.

“American energy production provides good jobs, funding for schools and public services – all of these things.

“United States Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and other energy exports limit the ability of countries like Russia to wield energy supplies as geopolitical weapons.

“There is no evidence that a reduction in U.S. fossil fuel production is going to in any way reduce global production or consumption of energy derived from fossil fuels.

“Can you please explain how the U.S. Trade Representative under your leadership is going to support and encourage growing our energy exports and the jobs that this industry provides?”

Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Tai on energy exports.

On U.S. Beef and Protecting American Farmers and Ranchers:

“Cattle producers in Wyoming and across the West are responsible stewards of pasture and rangelands. We sequester carbon while producing a premium product on land that is typically not suitable for growing other food products.

“As climate and environment concerns begin to have a greater role in international trade policies, will you commit to working with the cattle producers to defend our science-based production practices and show the rest of the world how American cattle producers are really part of the solution, and not the problem?

“How does the U.S. Trade Representative intend to protect U.S. farmers and ranchers overall?”

Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Tai on protecting American farmers and ranchers.
