“Americans can rest assured Republicans in this Senate are committed to this nominee. We will confirm this exceptional justice regardless of the delay tactics, regardless of the seek-and-destroy mission that Democrats have launched.”
Click here to watch Sen. Barrasso’s remarks.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Recently, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) spoke on the Senate floor about the need to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court despite Democrats’ false attacks and scare tactics.
Excerpts of Senator Barrasso’s remarks:
“I come to the floor today also in support of the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to serve on the United States Supreme Court.
“I’ll tell you, she’s terrific, so impressive, so exceptionally well qualified to take on this new responsibility.
“The partisanship that she has faced from Democrats, it’s predictably backfired on them, certainly by the American people who say get her confirmed, put her on the Supreme Court.
“That is what they saw when they watched the hearings last week, somebody who is ready to serve our nation and apply the law, not legislate from the bench.
“This is an important moment in our history.
“Judge Barrett, the Senate, the American people deserved a hearing that matched the moment and that highlighted her qualifications and capabilities.
“Regrettably, Americans got a weeklong lecture by Democrats which turned out to be often a partisan infomercial on Obamacare.
“This is a law that, 10 years on, Democrats are still trying to explain to the American people.
“They are still trying to explain all these millions and millions of people who lost their health insurance, still trying to explain millions and millions of people whose costs went up – more than doubled.
“Judge Barrett is very clear, has been clear. She has no agenda, for any case. As a judge, she considers each case on the merits.
“There’s only one real explanation for Democrats’ fixation on Obamacare during a Supreme Court hearing. They’re trying to score political points, appeal to their far-left base before an election.
“It’s shameful. It’s a scare tactic.
“I hear scare tactics, false attacks, on health care that frighten people. That’s not the way that we ought to be doing things.
“They never mention that Senate Republicans have voted now five times to protect people with pre-existing conditions, including today, on the bill that every one of those Democrats voted against, with a targeted relief plan.
“There was a component of that to make sure that people with pre-existing conditions were protected, and the coronavirus is now listed as a pre-existing condition.
“Every Democrat voted against adding coronavirus as a pre-existing condition.
“Every Republican today voted in favor.
“Democrats seem to be trying to make a standard confirmation process about anything other than the qualifications of an exceptionally qualified nominee.
“These attacks began before her nomination was even announced.
“She was criticized for being a mom, criticized for having seven children, criticized for going to church.
“There are Democrat candidates now, running for the United States Senate, criticizing her religion, her faith, and God – astonishing.
“The delay tactics and the defamation has continued. We have seen this before.
“The American people saw through the Democrats disturbing attacks on Brett Kavanaugh two years ago. Americans rejected the cheap character assassination. They rejected the low road.
“Now Democrats are leaving open the possibility, I hear this from the members of this body as well as candidates for the United States Senate, if they win the election, if they take the White House, if they take the Senate, of expanding the size of the United States Supreme Court. Nine to eleven or thirteen, they haven’t decided yet.
“One of the presidential candidates won’t even announce what his thoughts are on it. He won’t say. He won’t tell the American people. Wait till after the election is over, just like it was with Obamacare, first you have to pass it before you get to find out what’s in it.
“The size of the Supreme Court has been at nine for 150 years, 1869.
“Ruth Bader Ginsburg said nine is the right number. She said to go beyond that would be politicizing it, but that’s what we see happening today with the sorts of threats that we see coming from the other side of the aisle.
“What do the American people think about that? The New York Times poll this week said 58% of voters said they are against adding additional members to the Supreme Court.
“How many favor? Just 31%, but they are the liberal activist base of the Democrat party. That’s who they are.
“They are the ones that want to call the tune if they have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House and Chuck Schumer as Majority Leader and Joe Biden in the White House. That’s why Joe Biden won’t tell the American people what he plans to do.
“Americans can rest assured Republicans in this Senate are committed to this nominee.
“We will confirm this exceptional justice regardless of the delay tactics, regardless of the seek-and-destroy mission that Democrats have launched.
“We’re going to confirm this exceptional justice to uphold the law as written.
“The Senate will vote, the Senate will confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court.”