“The Obama health care law, regardless of the ruling of the Supreme Court, continues to be an expensive failure.”
WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor following the Supreme Court’s decision in King v. Burwell:
Excerpts of Senator Barrasso’s remarks:
“Mr. President, I come to the floor to congratulate my colleague, the senior Senator from Wyoming, whom I’ve worked with for many years, who has been a true leader in true health care reform with proposals he’s made that actually would help people get affordable care.
“The Obama health care law, regardless of the ruling of the Supreme Court, continues to be an expensive failure.
“There have been so many broken promises by this president about health care in America, which, to me, is the reason that this health care law, the support of it across the country, remains at an all-time low.
“People were promised if they like their coverage, they could keep their coverage. Millions have lost coverage.
“The president has promised if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Millions have lost their doctors.
“The president said premiums would go down by $2,500 per family. Instead premiums have gone up, and there is no end in sight.
“When I take a look at this and say, ‘why is this support still so low?’ it’s because most people believe that for them personally, it’s a bad deal.
“They’re paying more in premiums, higher co-pays, higher deductibles – all of which makes it a bad deal for them personally.
“So, Mr. President, I would say that Obamacare cannot be fixed, but health care in America must be fixed.
“They say what are you going to do about it as a Republican?
“There are incredible Republican plans out there, each of which is much better than the president’s health care law.
“We still have 30 million Americans without insurance, concerned about the fact that they still need care.
“So, we are going to continue to work to repeal and replace this health care law with a law that will allow people to get what Senator Enzi has been talking about.
“We need people – we need patients – to get the care they need from a doctor they choose at lower costs.
“That’s what Republicans are committed to and that’s what Republicans, in spite of today’s ruling by the Supreme Court, will continue to work for.”