John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Staff Member Receives Legislative Award

WASHINGTON – Erin Tuggle, a member of U.S. Senator John Barrasso’s staff, today received a prominent national award. The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) awarded her with their 2008 Legislative Excellence Award.

“I am pleased the NRHA has selected Erin to receive this prestigious award,” Barrasso said. “Her vast knowledge of the issues facing rural health in Wyoming is unsurpassed. She is an extremely valuable member of our staff. I am very proud of her accomplishment.”

“Erin is a prime example of the many Wyoming folks making our country a better place.”

Tuggle is a graduate of Cheyenne Central High School . She served as a Legislative Aide to Senator Craig Thomas for seven years before joining Barrasso’s staff in July 2007.