WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) released the following statement on the one year anniversary of the launch of the Obamacare exchange:
“Senate Democrats and President Obama like to pretend that the majority of Obamacare’s failures surrounded the disastrous launch of the website a year ago today. The reality is that the $2 billion website fiasco was the tip of the iceberg of Obamacare problems.
“Since the exchange launched, millions of Americans have seen their coverage canceled, their premiums skyrocket, their insurance denied by health care providers, and their freedoms eroded because of Obamacare. Families should now brace themselves for 2015 when their premiums will get even more expensive and their provider networks will get even smaller. It’s telling that Democrats and Washington bureaucrats have used every trick possible to hide these negative side effects until after the 2014 elections.
“There’s a reason why the law remains unpopular – and that’s because it’s not working like the President promised it would. If Republicans control the Senate next year, we will do everything we can to help people who have been hurt by the law, lower costs and improve care for all Americans.”