John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Statement on the 3rd Anniversary of Obama’s Failed Stimulus

For Every One Job Created in a State, Ten Jobs Were Created in Washington

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) released the following statement on the three year anniversary of the President’s failed “stimulus” bill:

“Today, Vice President Biden said that the stimulus bill did what they asked of it.  While Obama administration officials may have forgotten their prediction that the stimulus would keep unemployment below 8 percent, the rest of America remembers. 

“Three years later, we now know that the only thing the stimulus bill was successful at was wasting Americans’ hard earned taxpayer dollars.  In return, we now have more debt, more failed government projects, and high unemployment.  For every one job per capita in a state, nearly ten jobs per capita were created in Washington. 

“Instead of shading the facts about the stimulus, the White House should focus on making it easier for the 12.8 million unemployed Americans to find jobs.”

Policy Background

Today, the Senate Republican Policy Committee released a fact sheet regarding the three year anniversary of the stimulus.  Highlights include:

• The White House predicted that the stimulus would keep unemployment under 8%. The simple fact is that we have lost 1.15 million jobs since the Obama stimulus began, and three years on the unemployment rate has never been below 8%. The Congressional Budget Office predicted yesterday that the unemployment rate will remain above 8% until 2014.
