John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: Stop, Start Over and Focus on Ideas We Know Will Work

“We do need health care reform but we don’t need this 2,700-page bill with all of the unintended consequences.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, US Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) spoke on the Senate floor in opposition to the President’s plan to use reconciliation to push the health care bill through Congress.

Excerpts from Senator Barrasso’s speech:

Democrat bill:

“We do need health care reform but we don’t need this 2,700-page bill with all of the unintended consequences that may come with it: all of the new government boards and commissions, a program that cuts $500 billion from our seniors who depend upon Medicare for their health care, and raises taxes by another $500 billion. The American people are saying stop and start over.

“The President made his speech yesterday which seemed to be a new sales pitch, but it’s for the same bill. It’s why so many folks have said ‘Stop, start over, focus on ideas that we know will work, give individuals- as patients- as citizens rights to make more choices that affect their own life.’

Backroom deals:

“The gimmicks are still there. They may have taken out one of the gimmicks, but the spending gimmicks are there- plus the ‘Louisiana purchase,’ the special carve out for 800,000 people in Florida who are on Medicare Advantage- they are protected. But there are another 10 million Americans who will lose their Medicare Advantage.


“People like the quality of care that they are getting. They like the fact that it is available, but the cost is what is affecting us. That’s why Warren Buffet just on Monday said we need to focus on cost. They need to take thousand pages of the nonsense out of the bill and focus on getting the costs under control. Many of the ideas that the Republicans have brought forth are focused specifically on that.”

Republican ideas:

“They know that we have good ideas. They have listened to that summit last week that I was able to attend at the White House. They have heard Republicans say, ‘Let people buy insurance across state lines.’ That will help 12 million more people get insurance today. They say ‘Let’s deal with lawsuit abuse.’ That will help cut down the cost of these unnecessary tests which are done as defensive medicine. They understand – the American people- the value of allowing small businesses to join together to help more effectively get down the cost of care.”