“To keep Americans safe, we must refocus our government on the priorities that matter. We’ve seen in real time the danger of distorted priorities… Weakness in the White House put us here. Returning to strength will help lead us out.”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Senate Majority Whip, today spoke on the Senate floor about the current threats to America’s security and how Senate Republicans will work with President Trump to fight back.
Especially after the recent terrorist attack in New Orleans, lives depend on restoring America’s safety and strength.
Click HERE to watch Senator Barrasso’s remarks.
Sen. Barrasso’s remarks as prepared:
“I rise to talk about the threats to America’s security and our Republican effort to fight back.
“On New Year’s Day, 14 Americans were killed in a deadly act of terrorism. Dozens of our fellow Americans were seriously injured in the carnage.
“These were people celebrating the new year.
“The attacker was a terrorist. He flew an ISIS flag from the back of his truck.
“As a result of this terrorist attack, he destroyed families. He devastated a community. He broke the hearts of many Americans.
“The shock of this attack is matched only by the urgency of the message it sends.
“That message is this: It is time to restore America’s security and America’s strength.
“Lives depend on it.
“To keep Americans safe, we must refocus our government on the priorities that matter.
“We’ve seen in real time the danger of distorted priorities. A wide-open border. A woke Pentagon leader. A weaponized and distracted FBI. Feckless foreign policy. A weak President.
“The current president’s absence of leadership has made America and the world less safe. In four short years, our enemies have grown stronger, bolder, more aggressive, more emboldened, and more dangerous.
“America once worked to deny terrorists a safe haven. Now terrorist strongholds are back.
“Today, terrorists control Afghanistan. They control parts of Syria. They attack American troops from bases in Yemen.
“This is only part of it.
“Today, we face a serious security situation inside the United States. The New Orleans terrorist appears to have been radicalized within the United States.
“Over the past four years more than 300 individuals on the terror watchlist crossed our border illegally. That’s just the ones we know about.
“We also know that Iran – the world’s number one state-sponsor of terrorism – is actively funding anti-Jewish protests on college campuses.
“Yet how did President Biden respond? He did nothing. Instead of showing strength, he kept our border open; he continued to ignore Iran’s aggression.
“Weakness in the White House put us here. Returning to strength will help lead us out.
“In 13 days, our weak President will be replaced by a President respected for strength and boldness.
“We have seen failure up close. American’s will now get a good look at what strong leadership looks like again.
“President Trump and Senate Republicans will act for America’s safety.
“The Senate will work to confirm President Trump’s strong nominees through a fair and speedy process.
“It is important for the President to have his national security team in place as quickly as possible. Especially now, personnel is policy. President Trump’s team is ready to act.
“The President’s nominees are not a return to business as usual. They are motivated. They are skilled. They are committed to the safety and security of every American.
“Our national security depends on confirming them. The New Orleans attack proves it.
“To my colleagues, I would remind them that the Senate’s power of advice and consent is no excuse to delay and deny or search and destroy.
“Last month, a sleeping woman in New York City was set on fire on the Subway. She died.
“Her killer was an illegal immigrant.
“He was deported under President Trump. He snuck back into America. Since 2023, he has lived in taxpayer-funded shelters.
“The current President’s actions invited and allowed 10 million people to cross our border illegally.
“Our cities are overrun and overwhelmed.
“It was weak border policies that got us here. It is strong border policies that will get us back to safety.
“That means funding the border wall. Deporting illegal immigrant criminals. And restoring successful policies, such as the Remain in Mexico policy.
“Our goal is to empower President Trump to enforce the law.
“Republicans will also work to restore deterrence through strength and end the politicization of our military.
“Without a military focused on lethality, we cannot be strong.
“If these actions are taken, peace and safety – security and strength – are not just possible.