“It’s time for Senate Democrats to stop blocking trade, stop blocking jobs, and stop blocking progress for American families and for our economy.”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) called on Senate Democrats to stop blocking trade promotion authority legislation that will grow our economy and help American farmers, ranchers and manufacturers sell more products overseas.
Excerpts of his remarks:
“Last week, we passed an important bill that protected the rights of the American people.
“It said that the people, and Congress, have a right to be involved in an agreement the president negotiates on Iran’s nuclear program.
“Well, that was an important piece of legislation, and I was glad to see it pass with overwhelming bipartisan support.
“The bill on trade promotion authority that we’ve been talking about this week is also very important.
“This bill is about United States trade with other countries, and the proper role that Congress should play in that.
“It’s also very much about America’s future. That’s why Republicans are so committed to this piece of legislation.
“The problem is Senate Democrats have pulled the rug out from under the American people and the president.
“They have blocked the Senate from even considering this important piece of legislation.
“This isn’t the normal story of Democrats versus Republicans – or Senator Reid versus Senator McConnell.
“Oh no—this is a story about Senator Reid versus President Obama.
“America’s economy grew by just 0.2 percent in the first quarter of this year.
“When the Democratic leader orders the Senators on his side of the aisle to block this bill, is he saying that the American people should be satisfied with 0.2 percent growth? Is that satisfaction?
“If we’re going to get America’s economy going and growing again, we need to increase opportunities for American farmers, ranchers and manufacturers to sell their products overseas.
“According to the Commerce Department, 95 percent of the world’s customers live outside the United States.
“That means billions of people around the world who want to buy American products.
“That means creating jobs for Americans who make those products.
“It means lower prices for many of the products that Americans want to buy at home.
“It means more money—more money for the American economy, which is good for all of us.
“Now, all of that comes from more U.S. trade with other countries.
“So this bill—this bill that we’re debating right now is very important to American families, and to the American economy.
“Trade promotion authority is a valuable tool.
“It helps make sure that there are strong rules that hold other countries accountable for their unfair trade practices.
“It also helps us forge agreements to tear down the barriers that block American goods from foreign markets.
“The sooner we renew trade promotion authority, the sooner American families can start reaping the benefits.
“It is outrageous that Senate Democrats are keeping us from taking this step to help these families all across the country.
“The benefits of trade are substantial—substantial for places like my home state of Wyoming.
“Exports from Wyoming to other countries amounted to almost $2 billion last year.
“Wyoming’s chemical industry alone exported nearly a billion dollars’ worth of material.
“One of our most important chemical exports is soda ash, which is a chemical used to make things like glass and detergents.
“It’s the largest inorganic chemical export in the United States – and it’s responsible for thousands of American jobs.
“Our producers face high tariffs in some countries – and they’re competing with China for the customers.
“If we pass this bill – and we follow that up with the kind of trade deals it allows – we could add another $40 million in new soda ash exports.
“That means a lot of jobs here at home.
“Trade promotion authority helps give American producers a fair chance to compete for business overseas.
“In Wyoming, our farmers and ranchers also export beef, lamb, and grain.
“We export machinery, minerals, and energy from our oil and gas producers.
“Wyoming’s presence in the global marketplace has been increasing, and we as a nation cannot afford to stop that progress now.
“We need more access to more markets, and we need fair competition. So the question is, why are Senate Democrats standing in the way of all of that?
“Democrats are blocking more than just the money for American workers and our economy.
“Economic prosperity itself strengthens our nation, and makes it more secure.
“Ronald Reagan once said: ‘Our national security and economic strength are indivisible.’
“He understood that national defense is expensive, and that America needs a strong economy to pay for it.
“Reagan understood that American trade with other countries can help strengthen our military alliances as well.
“American goods sold overseas provide an American presence all around the world.
“They are economic boots on the ground.
“Now, the Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, said something similar in a speech last month.
“He said, ‘Our military strength ultimately rests on the foundation of our vibrant, unmatched, and growing economy.’
“He said that the kinds of trade deals that this bill would promote are ‘as important to me as another aircraft carrier.’
“That’s from the current Secretary of Defense, agreeing with what President Ronald Reagan said years ago.
“The Defense Secretary also talked about what all of us here in the Senate know to be true.
“If America does not continue to lead in global commerce – and does not attract more trading partners – someone else will.
“Now more likely than not, that’s going to be China.
“America needs to step up and start negotiating effective, fair, and enforceable trade agreements – or we’re going to be allowing China to write the rules for global trade.
“If that happens, every Senator here knows that those rules will not favor American workers and American exports.
“Senate Democrats know that – and they’re still standing in the way of this legislation.
“Last year, our exports supported nearly 12 million American jobs.
“That’s an increase of two million jobs since 2009. It’s great news – but it’s not enough.
“According to the latest numbers that came out last Friday, there are another 17 million Americans who are either unemployed, working part-time because they can’t find full-time work, or who have absolutely given up and have stopped looking for a job.
“Seventeen million Americans who are waiting for our economy to really start growing again.
“We need to create more stable, long-term jobs for those Americans who have been left behind by the weak economy over the past six years.
“More U.S. trade with other countries can help make that happen.
“This trade promotion authority bill is the first step toward reaching that goal. Democrats know that.
“Why are they fighting so hard then to make sure this bill fails? Why are they fighting so hard to block those jobs?
“This legislation would give the president a clear roadmap—a roadmap to follow while negotiating trade deals.
“It also ensures that Congress and the American people have a say—a say about whether a deal goes through.
“Now that part to me is extremely important.
“I mentioned the fight we just had with the White House to make sure the American people and Congress can review an agreement with Iran over its nuclear program.
“Well, this bill says right up front that Congress will get to have an up or down vote on any trade deals.
“This isn’t about expanding the powers of the president.
“I know that a lot of Senators have serious concerns about how President Obama has abused his authority in unchecked and unprecedented ways.
“A lot of Americans have those same concerns.
“This bill is not just about this president. It’s about the next president, and the one after that.
“It’s about American workers, American families – and growing the American economy, for all of us.
“It’s about making sure that America continues to lead, and Americans continue to prosper. American exports to other countries are the key to this.
“This bill—this one right now on the floor can make sure all of that happens – and it makes sure that the American people have their say.”
“It’s time for Senate Democrats to call off their destructive fight with the president.
“It’s time for Senate Democrats to stop blocking trade, stop blocking jobs, and stop blocking progress for American families and for our economy.”