“Voters across the country said that they were tired of gridlock, and they were tired of the lack of action…Republicans have responded – and we’re working hard to make the United States Senate accountable again to the people who sent us here.”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor about legislative accomplishments in the new Republican-led Senate. Barrasso highlights how the Senate has passed a number of important bipartisan bills and amendments and is finally working again for the American people.
Excerpts of his remarks:
“Last Thursday marked the 100th day of the new Republican-led Senate.
“While it’s still very early, there’s still much to be done, we can report that there has been bipartisan progress in a number of important areas.
“So I’m optimistic—I’m optimistic that the momentum that we have seen over the last several months will translate into further success on behalf of Americans.
“It’s interesting to take out the ‘USA Today’ from last Thursday, the first 100 days of Republican Congress, the headline, ‘Lawmakers try to prove it’s possible to be productive.’
“So people are noticing the fact that we are keeping our campaign promises, because during the last campaign season, we told people all across the country that if you just gave us the opportunity to govern, that we’d do it in a bipartisan way.
“In November, the American people did send an unmistakable message to Washington.
“Voters across the country said that they were tired of gridlock, and they were tired of the lack of action.
“They said it was time for a new majority – a Republican majority – a majority to get the Senate working again, and to get America on a better course.
“Republicans have responded – and we’re working hard to make the United States Senate accountable again to the people who sent us here.
“Now, you don’t have to take my word for it.
“Just the other day, the Bipartisan Policy Center came out with its Healthy Congress Index. This is a group of former Republican and Democrat leaders of Congress.
“They talked about how the new Senate has been ‘showing signs of life.’
“The total number of days worked, they report, is up from previous years – 43 days in the first hundred calendar days of this Senate, versus 33 at the same point last Congress and 33 days the Congress before that.
“Also, the number of bills reported out of committee is way up.
“In the first 100 days we had 15 bills reported out of committees in the Senate, compared to just eight in the first 100 days of the previous two Congresses. Imagine that.
“Our committees are working, and we’re pushing out bipartisan bills – like the Iran Congressional Review bill that passed unanimously in the Foreign Relations Committee.
“The number of amendments voted on is larger than it’s been in previous Congresses.
“In the first 100 days of this Congress, we voted on more than 100 amendments.
“These are amendments by both Republicans and by Democrats.
“For all of last year, there were only 15 up or down votes on amendments. Just 15 for the entire year.
“This year we topped that number of amendment votes by January 22nd.
“That’s just one more way that the United States Senate is working again.
“In the first 100 days we passed a dozen bipartisan bills.
“We passed the bipartisan Keystone XL pipeline jobs bill.
“We passed a bill to make much needed reforms to the Medicare program, to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
“We passed the Clay Hunt Veterans Suicide Prevention Act.
“We reached an agreement to help victims of modern slavery who are abused and exploited by human traffickers.
“These important bills are just part of our commitment to work together to solve problems for the American people.
“Now on top of all of that, we passed a budget that actually balances over the next 10 years.
“Even the former Democratic Senate Leader – Tom Daschle –recently said that ‘there’s been more open debate and consideration of issues’ under Senator McConnell’s leadership.
“Well, that’s exactly right – the Senate is working again, and we’re just getting started.
“Now I’m hopeful that we can continue to work together, and to find solutions on more issues that matter to the American people.
“As chairman of the Indian Affairs Committee, I can tell you that we have made real progress on bills to improve the lives of people across Indian Country.
“We passed bills to improve irrigation projects, to help protect children in foster care, and to increase self-governance by Indian tribes.
“It’s been a positive agenda, and I’m grateful for the hard work and dedication of all of the committee members.
“Along with a group of six Democrats and six Republicans, who are working as co-sponsors, I introduced a bill to speed up exports of American liquefied natural gas.
“We have bipartisan agreement on the need to streamline the permitting process for the sale of this clean American energy.
“This week, we’ve also made great progress on a bipartisan bill on waters of the United States.
“I’m optimistic that we can reach an agreement with Senators on the other side of the aisle, to get that issue behind us.
“The American people want an honest debate on important issues like these.
“The American people want their representatives in the United States Senate to be able to offer amendments.
“The American people want to see their Senators take a stand, and cast a vote, up or down.
“That’s how the United States Senate should work – that’s how the United States Senate has been working for the first 100 days under Republican leadership.
“So I’m pleased with how productive the Senate has been over the first 100 days.
“Of course we want to do more – and we will have the chance shortly.
“I look forward to more votes, more debate, more consideration of ideas from both sides of the aisle.
“This is the commitment that Republicans made to the American people – and we are keeping that commitment.”