John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Urges Pakistani Prime Minister to Crack Down on Terrorists

Senator John Barrasso (R- Wyo) held talks with Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and urged him to redouble efforts to curb terrorist activity in his country…

Prime Minister Gilani faced pressure from Barrasso and other members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to crack down on Pakistan-based militants.

“The Prime Minister assured me that Pakistan was committed to fighting extremists along the border with Afghanistan.  Mr. Gilani gave a strong commitment to prevent Taliban and al-Qaeda militants crossing from their territory into Afghanistan, where they attack US troops.

“I visited Wyoming troops in Afghanistan earlier this year, and understand just how important it is to stop the flow of Islamist terrorists and weapons across the PakistanAfghanistan border.  Quite simply, the lives of our troops depend upon it.”

Prior to the meeting, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act.

 “This legislation recognizes and seizes upon an opportunity to broaden the bilateral relationship between the United States and the citizens of Pakistan as a means of strengthening their democratic efforts and countering terrorist elements,” Barrasso said.

The bill calls for greater accountability on security assistance; measures to improve Pakistani counterterrorism capabilities and to ensure more effective efforts against the Taliban and Al Qaeda.