John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Votes Against “Pass the Buck” Budget

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) released the following statement regarding his decision to vote against the Senate Democrats’ budget for FY 2014:

“I voted against this unbalanced budget because it doubles down on more spending and higher taxes for hardworking Americans.  It raises taxes by over $1 trillion and adds over $7 trillion to the debt.   Instead of solving our financial problems today, it continues burying our children and grandchildren under a mountain of debt.  This pass the buck budget is full of accounting tricks, budget gimmicks, and loopholes.    

“It’s time to grow our economy, not Washington’s bureaucracy.”

Senator Barrasso was successful in including the following amendment to the Senate Democrats’ budget for FY 2014:

• Barrasso Amdt. # 184: NEPA Greenhouse Gas Analysis of U.S. Exports

The amendment would prohibit the Federal government from considering, under the National Environmental Policy Act, greenhouse gas emissions produced outside the United States by any good exported from the United States. The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) plans to require Federal agencies to account for greenhouse gas emissions in their analyses under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). It is expected that CEQ will require agencies to consider the greenhouse gas emissions produced by exports after those exports leave the shores of the United States. The National Association of Manufacturers, who endorsed this amendment, has said this would create a very dangerous precedent that could be used to block exports of all types, including automobiles, civilian aircraft, and heavy equipment such as tractors. Barrasso said, “With millions of Americans unable to find work, now is not the time to stand in the way of increasing American exports and creating new jobs.”
