John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: White House is Out of Touch with Economic Realities

“The President may believe that we’re on the right track, but fewer than 1 in 3 Americans believe we’re on the right track.”

Click here to watch FOX News highlight his remarks.

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo) spoke at a Senate press conference about the Democrats’ job killing agenda and the Administration’s stimulus claims. FOX News highlighted some of his remarks earlier today. 

Excerpts of his remarks from the Press Conference:

“Last Friday the President was in Nevada, and he said ‘The question is, number one, are we on the right track?’ And then he went on to say that ‘the answer is, yes.’

“Well this to me sounds like a President who is out of touch.  He’s out of with the American people and out of touch with the economic realities of our country in the summer of 2010.

“The President may believe that we’re on the right track, but fewer than 1 in 3 Americans believe we’re on the right track. 

“Yesterday, the Vice President said that the so-called stimulus package worked.

“The White House actually says that the stimulus package has performed better than they had expected.

“Well, fewer than 1 in 4 Americans agree with them.

“That’s because, as I see it, because of the stimulus, we are deeper in debt.  So we are deeper in debt and have very little to show for it.

“With unemployment near 10%, the American people are concerned about jobs, the economy, unemployment in this country, the debt and the incredible amount of spending that has happened, with very little to show for it.

“The majority of the American people, as of yesterday, say they the President spent too little time focused on the economy.

“The Administration and the Democrats appear to me to be so focused on a liberal agenda of taxation and overregulation that they’re really taking their eye off the ball of the American economy.

“This is a government that spends too much, borrows too much and is growing too large.

“Unfortunately, what they are doing is completely neglecting what the American people want.

“The policies of this Administration to me are actually hurting the economy.

“The new health care law is one—I’ve been very involved in the health care debate.

“To me, it is bad business for small businesses.

“The health care bill is not what we needed.

“Tom Coburn and I put out a report called ‘Bad Medicine’, with a hundred days of the health care law.

“Small businesses are the engine that drives this economy.

“When you look at what the incentives are in the health care law, for small businesses the incentives, if you want to get some of the tax incentives are you should actually fire people.

“And for the people that continue to have their job, should cut their wages.

“That’s the way to get the tax benefits that were promised in the mailing of four million postcards that went out to people all across the country.

“In the Rocky Mountain West, we’ve seen the cancelation of oil and gas leases by this Administration.

“What’s happening in the Gulf now—with the moratorium on exploration and you see the oil rigs picking up and moving overseas.  Making us more dependent on foreign energy and will drive up the cost of energy in this country.

“It’s the small business owners that are the people in this country that hire folks.  70% of job growth in the country comes from small businesses.

“There is so much uncertainty out there, that they’re unwilling to take the step forward to go and try to borrow money and to do additional business acquisition, hiring or expansion.

“So, there’s just too much uncertainty in terms of increased taxes, in terms of cap and trade, and in terms of health care regulations which are going to add to increased expenses.

“So Mr. President, when you ask the questions you did in Nevada ‘are we on the right track?’, the American people, and the group of Senators here today, are telling you no, we are not.” 

Click here to watch the entire video of his remarks.