WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) announced he will run for Vice-Chairman of the Republican Conference:
"People in Wyoming and across the country want to know the folks representing them in Washington are listening and understand their values.
“It is loud and clear – Americans are tired of a government that spends too much, borrows too much and grows bigger every day.
“I am running for Vice Chairman because we must fight even harder against Washington’s wasteful spending and intrusion into our lives.
“A leadership position will give our delegation another opportunity to advance Wyoming’s interests and effectively represent the people of our state. If I am fortunate enough to be chosen, I will use the position to stand up for Wyoming and western issues that are critical to our future.”
The United States Senate Republican Conference Vice-Chair is the fifth-ranking leadership position in the Republican Party conference in the United States Senate.