John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Wraps Up State-Wide Vets Health Tour

Senator Says Distance An Issue In Caring For Wyo Vets

CHEYENNE — U.S. Senator John Barrasso , R-Wyo., wrapped up his three day Veterans Health Care tour with a clear picture of the issues facing Wyoming ’s wounded warriors.

Wyoming is a big state, our cities and towns are spread out.  Our veterans are getting quality care, but many of them are a long distance away.  When folks are driving over 100 miles one way for health care, that is an issue.”

Barrasso – a surgeon – visited Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals and outreach clinics around the state.  He discussed programs and requirements with caregivers and administrators.  Barrasso also had conversations with veterans at American Legion and VFW halls and held discussions with veteran’s group leaders in Sheridan, Casper, Cheyenne and Rawlins.

“Veterans are very candid.  They know that what works in Wyoming is not what works in Washington .  They stressed to me the importance of fighting for what is right for Wyoming ’s vets.  They pointed to the regional VA health care centers around the state as key steps in the recent improvement in services.”

"We’re trying to find ways to improve access so veterans can get the care that they earned,” Barrasso said.  “Further improvements could be made with additional clinics around the state.”

Barrasso visited Iraq and Afghanistan in the last year, and spent time with Wyoming troops serving in both theatres.

"The needs continue to grow, both for physical care as well as mental health care for our returning warriors,” Barrasso said. “I want to make sure that we have the personnel and facilities to treat Wyoming veterans right here at home.”

Barrasso helped improve services for Wyoming veterans by convincing incoming VA Secretary Peake to assign a full-time benefits officer at the Sheridan VA.   A full-time officer was appointed in January and now sees 12 – 15 veterans per day.

“My dad fought in World War II, and my wife Bobbi’s dad fought in both World War II and Korea . Meeting the needs of veterans is extremely important to me as a United States Senator and to our family.”