John Barrasso

News Releases

Climate Change Bill Will Result in Job Losses, Surging Prices

WASHINGTON – In a speech to the Senate, U.S. Senator John Barrasso , R-Wyo., said the Lieberman-Warner climate change bill will be harmful to Wyoming ’s economy and families.

America ’s energy future must incorporate a vision for a safer, cleaner, and healthier environment,” Barrasso said. “When it comes to energy, diversity of supply will provide security of supply. Unfortunately, the Lieberman-Warner bill will deny us that long term energy and environment safety net.”

“This bill is exactly the wrong prescription for the American economy. It will result in lost jobs, broken family budgets, and higher energy prices for hard working families.”

The Energy Information Agency reports that gas prices could increase another dollar a gallon under the bill.  Others predict those costs could be even higher.

“People in Wyoming know firsthand the impact high gas prices have on their wallets. High prices at the pump present an extraordinary challenge for folks in Wyoming . It is not uncommon for us to commute 100 miles round trip to work, to school, or to shop for groceries.”

A study by the National Manufacturers Association projects Wyoming could lose roughly 2,000 to 3,000 jobs by 2020, and 6,000 to 8,000 jobs by 2030.

“These are the kind of good paying jobs we should be protecting in this country, not throwing away. This bill does not protect working folks and their families.”

The bill could cost Wyoming families budgets up to 3,000 dollars a year in lost income by 2020, and double that by 2030.

“The impact of this bill will hit lower income families and seniors the hardest.  Many families in Wyoming would have to dedicate 1 in every 5 dollars just to pay energy costs. As a matter of principle, Wyoming residents should not have to pay more of their hard earned dollars on high gas and energy prices.”

Local gas stations in Wyoming and Montana rely on shipments of gasoline from small refiners. This bill will force these small refiners to compete with larger refineries, causing many to go out of business. Without small refiners, these towns will ship in gas from out of state, significantly raising the costs at the pump.

“I believe that clean coal will play a crucial role in combating climate change and ensuring America ’s energy security. Clean coal is affordable and reliable. Wise use of our natural resources and coal in particular, drives America ’s innovation and economic success. While energy efficiency and conservation continue to improve, we simply cannot ‘conserve’ our way out of the current energy crisis."

America can not tolerate the lost jobs and high energy prices that will come from dramatic decreases in coal production under Lieberman-Warner."

“As the U.S. promotes future clean energy solutions, we shouldn’t impose burdensome policies on American pocketbooks."