John Barrasso

News Releases

Drs Coburn and Barrasso Release a Doctors’ Perspective of “Medicare & You 2012” Handbook

(Click to read the full report)

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) –In a parody playing on the Medicare handbook that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) publishes each year that gives seniors information about changes to the program, U.S. Senators and doctors Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) and John Barrasso, M.D. (R-WY) released their own “Medicare and You 2012” handbook that provides a doctors’ perspective about the real challenges facing the Medicare program under President Obama’s health care law.

“Now more than ever, seniors need to be reassured and reaffirmed in the decisions they make regarding their health care plan. However, when they are only given one set of bureaucratic guidelines that are supposed to direct these critical decisions they are not being given the whole story about some of the big challenges Medicare faces under President Obama’s health care law,” said Dr. Coburn. “The truth is that the Medicare program is in worse financial shape than most people know and we have to act now to save it, while there is still time”.

“As doctors, we understand how important Medicare is to America’s seniors and their families. We are committed to preserving the current program and strengthening it for future generations,” said Dr. Barrasso.  “Washington isn’t leveling with seniors about their Medicare coverage or benefits.  If CMS won’t explain how the President’s health care law weakens seniors care, we will.  Our report clearly details how the Obama Administration has gutted Medicare and given unelected bureaucrats more power over important care decisions.  We will continue to highlight the facts about the future of Medicare under this Administration.”

Key points addressed to seniors:

• Your Medicare program was cut $530 billion by President Obama’s controversial health law, and used for brand new programs for someone else
• Your Medicare Advantage choices reduced
• New unelected Medicare czars who will cut payments to health care providers
• Medicare’s shaky financial future
