John Barrasso

News Releases

Enzi, Barrasso applaud confirmation of Skavdahl to District Court

U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso, both R-Wyo., said that newly confirmed federal judge to the District Court of Wyoming, Scott Skavdahl, is extremely qualified for the position and will serve the nation well.

Skavdahl was confirmed by the Senate to the appointment today by a vote of 96-0.

“It is a great day for Wyoming when a skilled individual with deep ties to the state is confirmed to such an important position as the U.S. District Court,” said Enzi. “I am confident Judge Skavdahl will serve as a judge of distinction, following the United States Constitution.” 

“Judge Skavdahl is an excellent choice to fill the seat of retired Federal Judge William Downes,” said Barrasso.  “He is respected for his integrity, ethics and commitment to the law.  With his experience as both a successful attorney and trial judge, I’m confident he will make an outstanding addition to the U.S. District Court of Wyoming.”

Skavdahl most recently served as full-time Magistrate Judge for the District of Wyoming and served as a judge on the Seventh Judicial Court in Casper, Wyoming. He also was a part-time United States Magistrate Judge from 2001-2003. Prior to that, he practiced as an attorney in Casper and served as a judicial law clerk for Chief Judge William F. Downes of the United States District Court, the seat he will now take.