Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso, both R-Wyo., introduced a resolution to designate Dec. 10, 2019 as Wyoming Women’s Suffrage Day to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Wyoming granting women the right to vote.
On Dec. 10, 1869, the Wyoming territory became the first territory or state to grant women the right to vote. This resolution would emphasize Wyoming’s role in granting women the right to vote 50 years before the ratification of the 19th Amendment.
“Wyoming has been a leader for women’s equality and we are proud of our history behind this movement,” Enzi said. “From the first woman to vote to the first woman to be governor in the country, Wyoming women led the way. This resolution celebrates the monumental achievements of Wyoming women – and the continued contributions made by women to our state and the country.”
“Wyoming is the nation’s trailblazer for women’s equality,” said Barrasso. “We earned the nickname ‘The Equality State’ for being the first state to grant women the right to vote. We’re proud of the strong women leaders who have called Wyoming home, including the first elected woman governor and the first female justice of the peace. With this resolution, the entire nation can join us in celebrating Wyoming leading the charge for women’s equality.”
The resolution also recognizes Wyoming and its citizens’ many other achievements that earned its “equality state” motto, including having the first woman in the world cast a ballot; being the first state with a jury to include women; having the first woman justice of the peace; being the first state to elect a female governor; and having the first female court bailiff.
To read the resolution, click here.