John Barrasso

News Releases

Enzi, Barrasso push for study results on soda ash

Findings could reinforce keeping royalties low to help boost industry

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso, both R-Wyo., are pushing to extend federal policies that help the soda ash industry in Wyoming compete with unfair foreign trade practices and create jobs.

“It’s all about jobs. The federal government needs to back up American jobs with trade policies that keep jobs in this country and not overseas. Royalties on American soda ash must stay down in order for our companies to stay competitive globally,” Enzi said.

“Wyoming is responsible for nearly 90 percent of America’s soda ash production.  We cannot afford to lose any of these quality, high paying jobs in Wyoming.  I will continue to fight to ensure that our soda ash industry can compete against international companies on a level playing field,” Barrasso said. 

The senators joined Senators Wyden, D-Ore.; Merkley, D-Ore.; and Feinstein, D-Calif., in sending a letter to the Department of the Interior on May 28 pushing the department to expedite its study of the economic impact of the Soda Ash Royalty Reduction Act.

In October 2006, Congress enacted the Soda Ash Royalty Reduction Act to reduce the federal government’s royalty on U.S. soda ash from six percent to two percent. This measure is meant to enable the domestic soda ash industry to compete more effectively against global producers and to increase domestic soda ash production, which will create more jobs.

The letter requests that the department immediately begin assembling the data necessary for the assessment required by the Soda Ash Royalty Reduction Act and urges Secretary Ken Salazar to complete action as soon as possible after the initial October 12, 2010 reporting date. The analysis focuses on the impact that the Act has had on the volume of U.S. soda ash produced, the number of jobs created, and the royalties paid to the Treasury.
