John Barrasso

News Releases

Enzi, Barrasso Push Justice Dept. to Investigate Meat Packing Merger

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso , both R-Wyo., pushed the U.S. Department of Justice for strict oversight of the proposed merger of three of the largest national meat packing companies.  The Senators stressed the importance for Attorney General Michael Mukasey to scrutinize the merger proposal to ensure a free and fair marketplace.

“The meat packing industry has become increasing consolidated, reducing market opportunities for Wyoming ranchers,” the Senators wrote in a letter to Mukasey. “In the face of this market trend, the proposed merger of three of the five major packing companies in the U.S. calls for careful review."

“This proposed acquisition will create the largest meat processing company in the world.  The company will also control the largest cattle feeding operation in the United States . It is imperative that a full review of the JBS acquisition include consideration of these factors.”

“Competition is the cornerstone of a free-market economy.  This proposed merger hearkens back to an era when trusts smothered the market and put countless smaller entrepreneurs out of business,” said Senator Enzi.  “It’s important to ensure the integrity of the American marketplace.  On behalf of Wyoming , we request careful review of the proposed merger to ensure that our producers’ livelihoods will not be harmed.”

“This merger proposal affects everyone from ranchers to grocery store customers.  It’s bad economics for one or two corporations to control any market, especially the livestock market,” said Senator Barrasso.  “That is why we have called on the Department of Justice to do a full review of the merger.  We want to make sure that it will not hurt Wyoming producers or consumers.”