John Barrasso

News Releases

Enzi, Barrasso – XL pipeline: abandoned once, not forgotten

Bipartisan group of senators pick up banner of job-creating pipeline

Washington, D.C. – Wyoming’s U.S. Senators haven’t given up on the Keystone XL oil pipeline. They are cosponsoring a bill that would advance the pipeline despite President Obama’s rejection of the project.

The bill, which was introduced by a bipartisan group of 44 senators, would “put the crucial economy-improving project on the path to completion,” according to Enzi and Barrasso.

The Keystone XL pipeline has been subject to rigorous environmental analysis for more than three years, and was on schedule to be decided on by the U.S. State Department by the end of 2011. By contrast, the original Keystone pipeline took two years to review and became operational last year.

“The economy matters,” said Enzi. “Wyoming’s energy sector is at the heart of the state’s economy and the nation depends on our domestic energy production to power the country. Approving of the Keystone XL pipeline will create the jobs that will rebuild our economy.”

“Our bill authorizes the construction of one of the largest shovel-ready energy projects in the United States,” said Barrasso. 

“In Wyoming, we have firsthand knowledge of how energy projects create good jobs for working families.  The Keystone XL project is no exception.  With 8.5 percent national unemployment, Washington cannot afford to say no to a privately-funded pipeline project that is estimated to create 20,000 American jobs.”

Under this bill, a Presidential Permit would no longer be needed for the Keystone XL pipeline. Congress can approve the project under Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. The legislation would require the strong environmental and safety standards already finalized by the Secretary of State. At the same time, the bill would direct state and local laws relating to private property rights by ensuring those laws are not changed in this process. 

The bill is S.2041 can be viewed here
