John Barrasso

News Releases

Indian Health Service – Millions Missing

Barrasso Demands Accountability

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Barrasso, R.-Wyo., is demanding strict oversight of Indian Health Service (IHS) funding after reports of botched money management.

IHS property, worth millions of dollars, is missing or has been stolen from the agency. A report into the missing property was presented at a Senate Indian Affairs Hearing. The missing property and funds cost U.S. taxpayers more than $17.8 million over three years.

“The waste or theft of taxpayer-funded property will not be tolerated,” Barrasso said. “IHS must resolve this unacceptable situation immediately. We cannot condone this wasteful, abusive, and criminal behavior.”

Barrasso recently introduced legislation directing the Government Accountability Office to report how various government and local programs coordinate health care services in Indian Country.

“I want to ensure that people on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming, and all Native Americans, have access to quality, affordable medical care. We cannot achieve this goal when the money we invest in IHS programs is wasted and property worth millions goes missing.”