John Barrasso

News Releases

Obamacare Gives Employers 2 Bad Choices

Small Businesses Will Either Pay Through the Roof – Or Stop Providing Coverage

Click here to watch the speech.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued 1,433 waivers to exempt over 3.2 million people from part of the President’s health care law.  

In order to prevent election year embarrassment, the Administration recently changed its waiver policy.  After September, America’s job creators and other organizations will no longer have a way out of the law’s job crushing mandates.  

Today, Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) spoke on the Senate floor about HHS’ new waiver policy.  He specifically discussed how the law will discourage future small business owners from offering health care coverage to their employees.

Excerpts include:


“As business owners look into this and see how the health care law will cause their costs to providing insurance go up over the next two years.  They are going to be lining up for waivers over the next few months.

“Once again, we are witnessing the horrible economic impacts of this new law.

“I also want to talk for a minute about what happens after this September deadline – after the door closes on waivers.

“Let’s take a look at the economy: 9.1% unemployment, job creators sitting on the sidelines due to the significant expenses of trying to open a business. 

“Hard working Americans who want to start a new business will be forced to choose between two less desirable choices.

“One, they can offer high-cost, government approved health insurance – making it much more expensive for them to try to open a new business and hire workers.

“Or number two, they won’t offer any health coverage at all because they can’t afford the health care law’s out of touch and expensive insurance mandates.

“With the sky rocketing debt that we’re facing in this country, and a 9.1 percent unemployment, this Administration’s signature piece of legislation discourages  America’s best and brightest from starting new businesses and providing for their employees. 

“That’s what the President’s health care law does – it stifles innovation, strangles the free market and saddles the American people with more debt.

“Once again, this is another example of how the President’s health care policies are making things worse.

“His policies are making the economy in America worse.

“His policies are making the standard of living in America worse. 

“His policies are making health care in America worse.

“And his policies are making America’s debt worse.”
