John Barrasso

News Releases

On Fox News Sunday, Barrasso Discusses Obamacare

“So, what we’re seeing now are kind of politicians trying to save their political careers instead of focusing on patient care.”

Click Here to Watch Sen. Barrasso.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) appeared on “Fox News Sunday” this morning to talk about Obamacare and what the latest enrollment numbers actually mean.   
Below are key excerpts of the interview:
On What the Obamacare Enrollment Numbers Actually Mean:
“I don’t think it means anything, Chris. I think they’re cooking the books on this. People want to know the answers to that. They also want to know once all this is said and done, what kind of insurance will those people actually have? Will they be able to keep the doctor that they want? How much more is it going to cost them? And we know that some of the best cancer hospitals in the country want very little to do with people that actually buy this insurance on the Obamacare exchanges.”
On Why He Opposes Administration’s Latest Obamacare Delay:
“Because it doesn’t deal with the issue of actually getting people care. People wanted health care reform so they could get the care they need from a doctor they choose at lower cost. And what we see is even those signing up are finding out many of them are seeing higher premiums, can’t keep their doctor, can’t keep their hospital. In the state right next to Senator King’s in New Hampshire, 10 of the 28 hospitals are excluded from all the exchanges in New Hampshire. In Senator King’s own state, the most popular individual market plan prior to this is now not able to be sold anymore because it didn’t meet the Obamacare standards. So those are concerns that I hear about every weekend. So, what we’re seeing now are kind of politicians trying to save their political careers instead of focusing on patient care.”
On How Obamacare Is Not Fixable:
“Let’s not be fooled here. What Angus is offering in his legislation only nibbles around the edges. It doesn’t get to the fundamental flaws of the President’s health care law. The Democrats are unnerved. They have pushed the panic button. The President says this is working. It is broken. And people say can you fix it? I’ve looked at this ten different ways, Chris. This health care law is not fixable.”
