Washington, D.C. – In an effort to stop Congress from passing bills with hundreds of unrelated measures that logjam the legislative process, U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso, both R-Wyo., are taking a page from the Wyoming legislature handbook.
Yesterday Enzi reintroduced a bill, co-sponsored by Barrasso, which would require each piece of legislation considered by the Senate be confined to a single issue, the same method the Wyoming legislature uses.
“I learned how to legislate in the best run state government in the country, the Wyoming legislature. Washington desperately needs to take a page from the Wyoming legislative handbook. One topic per bill is as common sense as it gets and Washington needs common sense now more than ever,” said Enzi.
“I often say, ‘Wyoming gets it right, and Washington gets it wrong.’ The Wyoming legislature’s single topic bill rule is another example of this. It’s time for Washington to follow Wyoming’s lead and end the days of treating legislation like special interest Christmas trees,” said Barrasso.
Enzi’s bill would enact a standing order that creates a point of order against a bill or resolution that is not confined to a single issue. This point of order can only be overruled by a supermajority of 67 votes. Representative David Schweikert, R-Ariz., sponsored a similar bill in the House of Representatives.
“This bill not only is a continuation of House Republicans’ Pledge to America, but will clean up the legislative process that in previous Congresses largely remained behind closed doors. For far too long, we’ve seen Congress abuse the legislative process by using omnibus legislation as a means to buy off votes. It is imperative we address the legislative logrolling that results in wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars. Every bill voted on in the U.S. Congress should be considered on its own merit in an open and transparent way before the American people,” said Rep. Schweikert.