John Barrasso

News Releases

Washington Wants Wyoming’s Water

Barrasso slams another Washington takeover

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) believes that the “Clean Water Restoration Act” is nothing more than another government takeover.  

“This measure will harm Wyoming’s economy, directly impacting ranches, farms, and mining operations.  Expanding Washington’s reach to include all water currently under state control is a flawed approach,” Barrasso said.
“The ‘Clean Water Restoration Act’ would give Washington control over water on private property in Wyoming and across the United States.  Currently only navigable waters are covered.”
“This bill does not just take control of streams from Wyoming.  It puts Washington in charge of all mudflats, sand flats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows and natural ponds in the United States.”

“There is no reason for Washington to suddenly, and without cause, seize control of all the water in Wyoming or any other state,” Barrasso said. 

“This is nothing more than another Washington power grab.  It is a scheme to appease narrow special interests.  Ranchers and farmers in Wyoming and around the country are justifiably outraged.”

“It is inexcusable for Washington to trample over the Wyoming Environmental Quality Act, and say that Wyoming can’t protect our own water.”

“The people of Wyoming don’t want Washington to control our water.  Bureaucrats must respect Wyoming’s environmental laws and our state sovereignty,” Barrasso said.

“Our state works hard to protect our water. We have passed laws to do it.”

Wyoming regulates streams, including intermittent streams under the Wyoming Environmental Quality Act.  The state law covers all surface and groundwater, including waters associated with wetlands, within Wyoming.