Senator Barrasso Demands DoD Action
WASHINGTON – Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo) is demanding the Department of Defense act on contaminated water wells which affect Cheyenne families. Two private wells show unacceptable levels of the chemical contaminant TCE, affecting three households. The wells tested below the EPA’s drinking water standard in 2005 and 2006.
“This is now directly affecting local families. The time for bureaucratic delay is over. Further testing must go forward immediately. ”
Barrasso called for the DoD to take direct responsibility for the contamination.
“The Army Corps over the last few years has looked to blame almost any other entity it can for the contamination in the city’s wells. Such claims have included that there might have been a train derailment carrying the contaminant in the area. They have also blamed a handful of nearby oil rigs, and a local shooting range. Anyone but themselves.”
Barrasso noted the clear connection between the nuclear missile site and the nearby Cheyenne water wells.
Applauding the city of Cheyenne and the state of Wyoming for their successful efforts to protect the folks of Cheyenne, Barrasso said, “Let me be clear, the city of Cheyenne’s water is safe.”
Barrasso said that Wyoming taxpayers should not foot the bill. “The Army Corps and the U.S. Government has a responsibility to fund the clean up. They have a responsibility to fix the problem. It is time to do so.”
Then Ranking Member of the Superfund and Environmental Health Subcommittee, Barrasso pushed for testing between the one mile area of the nuclear missile site and the city of Cheyenne’s wells last year. As Ranking Member this year on the Oversight Subcommittee, Barrasso pledged to hold the Army Corps accountable.
“I pledge to hold the Department of Defense accountable for their past actions.”