Latest Budget Bill Halts Wild Lands Order, Removes Policy Czars and Delists Wolf in Montana and Idaho
WASHINGTON –Today, Senate Western Caucus Chairman John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) voted in favor of the Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government through the end of the fiscal year. Barrasso released the following statement regarding three key victories for Western states included in the budget bill:
“Western Caucus members have fought against the Administration’s anti-small business, anti-multiple use agenda that crushes job growth in Western communities. Today, we secured three key victories in the latest budget bill.
“Our action to defund the Administration’s sweeping wild lands order will empower Western communities who rely on the multiple use of public lands.
“This bill also permanently eliminates some of the President’s most troublesome policy ‘czars’ – including his ‘czar’ who was dedicated to cap and trade. By removing unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats, we return more power back to the states.
“This bill also provides a victory in the battle to return management of the wolf back to the states by delisting in Montana and Idaho. While the language does not go far enough in terms of delisting the wolves in Wyoming and other Western states, it sets an important precedent that Congress can break the endless cycle of litigation.”
The new Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government through the end of the fiscal year includes provisions that:
• Limit the use of funds for the Interior Department to “implement, administer, or enforce” Secretarial Order 3310 (wild lands order).
• Prohibit the White House from spending money on the policy “czars” for climate change, health care, the auto industry and urban affairs.
• Delist the gray wolf from the Endangered Species list in Montana and Idaho. The language also upholds a court ruling from last fall that said the U.S. Fish and Wildlife was wrong to reject Wyoming’s wolf management plan.