John Barrasso

News Releases

Wolves: Senator Says Washington Should Stay Out

Barrasso Says De-Listing Process Should Move Forward

WASHINGTON – In response to a recent letter to Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne from members of the House Natural Resources Committee, U.S. Senator John Barrasso, R-Wyo., today said the plan to de-list the gray wolves from the endangered species list should continue.

“The issue of the Gray Wolves needs to be under Wyoming control, not Washington ’s.  This is a Wyoming concern that requires a Wyoming solution.  It does not require interference from Washington ."

“We cannot lose sight of the real goal behind the Endangered Species Act: recovery and delisting,” Barrasso said. “This is an issue that directly affects the lives of Wyoming ranchers, energy producers and sportsmen. It has a direct impact on Wyoming livestock and wildlife, not Washington ’s.  These Congressmen don’t even live in our time zone.  They have no concept of the damage gray wolves do.

“The state of Wyoming has worked in good faith with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to address this issue, and it is my belief Wyoming is in the best position to determine how this animal should be managed.”

“The federal government should move forward with plans to de-list the wolves.  The Congressmen should concern themselves with their own state’s issues and let Wyoming manage our wolves.”