WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Barrasso, R-Wyo., today announced that Wyoming has been selected to provide the 2010 Christmas tree for the United States Capitol. It is the first time in history that the tree will come from Wyoming .
“Wyoming is blessed with spectacular forests, so it struck me as unusual that we had never provided the Capitol Christmas Tree for the people of the United States to enjoy. So, I urged the U.S. Forest Service to consider Wyoming – it didn’t take much convincing,” Senator Barrasso said.
“I am enormously proud that for the first time, Wyoming will have the opportunity to share our state’s natural beauty with the nation by providing the Capitol Christmas Tree.
“Having Wyoming supply the ‘People’s Tree’, as the Capitol Tree is often called,
is certainly an honor for the state of Wyoming . Thousands of visitors gather to see the tree every year, with millions more seeing it in print and on television around the world,” Senator Barrasso said.
“We have the opportunity to showcase all that is special about Wyoming — the beauty
of the land, the richness of our cultures, and the talents & generosity of her people.”
The US Forest Service, working with local officials will identify candidate trees, with the final selection being made by the US Capitol Landscape Architect. The decision is kept secret until the tree felling. The tree cutting will be followed by an extensive road tour with events in communities throughout Wyoming, before final transport to Washington DC .
“ Wyoming ’s kids, schools and youth groups will be involved in preparing nearly 5000 hand made ornaments which will decorate the tree along with 10,000 glittering lights.” Senator Barrasso said.
“Providing the Capitol Christmas Tree will enhance civic involvement & pride, develop partnerships and celebrate the richness of Wyoming ’s natural resources."